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About your Massage:


Many people come to the massage table unsure of what to expect. Even with the widespread use of therapeutic massage, so many people have not experienced a massage and are not sure how to take an active role in getting the most out of their massage.

Although I am the massage therapist, believe it or not I still need your help to make your massage a positive and beneficial experience for you. You can do many things before, during and after the massage to facilitate your therapy; I hope you will find the suggestions below helpful in maximizing the benefits of your massage with me.


Preparing for your Massage

The most important preparation: PREPARE TO RELAX. The more relaxed you become before your massage, the deeper the relaxation you'll experience at your massage and, if you're being treated for an injury, less time and energy will be spent getting to the problem and more time and energy will be spent treating the problem; if you are relaxed

Here are more preparations you can make for a great massage:

  • Prepare your body with a bath or shower.

Bathing before your massage will warm you and your muscles up, making you and your muscles more relaxed! You and I will both be more comfortable if your body is clean. Remember you'll soon be on my table wearing a sheet / towel and almost likely nothing else. You are not going to be able to relax if you realize in the middle of your massage that your feet stink, for example. Don't wear contact lenses, makeup, excessive perfume, etc.

  • I have few Indian classical music collection (Vocal, Instrumental etc.) you can choose to listen from during your massage but I also enjoy getting to know new music and getting to know more about you from the kind of music you bring in to share during your massage!

  • Don't eat too much.

You don't want to be starving, but you might be uncomfortable during your massage if you're stuffed.


After your Massage

You need to KEEP RELAXING!

During massage, toxins are pushed out of your muscles and released into your bloodstream. Drinking lots of water to help flush out the toxins.




  • お風呂、またはシャワーを浴びる

お風呂、またはシャワーを浴びる事は、身体を温め、筋肉をリラックスさせます。 マッサージベッドの上では、基本的には下着(ショーツ)以外は脱いでいただく事になりますので、入浴後はご自身も、さっぱりして、よりリラックスできることと思います。また、なるべくメーキャップは、しない、もしくは薄くしてきてください。(フェイスマッサージを受けられる際は)また、香水をつけられる方は控えめに。

  • 食事をとりすぎないこと














  • 最近、食べ過ぎ、飲み過ぎをされた際にはご遠慮ください。

  • 手術をされたばかりの方は、医者の承諾が無い限り、ご遠慮ください。

  • 心臓の弱い方、心臓に持病のある方は、血流を高めるための、弱めのマッサージのみをお受けできます。

  • 熱がある方、感染症をお持ちの方(インフルエンザも含め)はご遠慮ください。

  • 妊娠中の方は、医師の承諾をお持ちの方のみ、お受けできます。

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